Month: August 2018

Friday in Faribault

Today, we allowed ourselves to sleep in pretty late. Then, brunch at the restaurant directly below where Michele stayed when she came here for the interview. Fairbault actually has quite the quintessential little Main Street, with lots of historic architecture un-altered by intervening periods of prosperity. It also has a good spot for espresso, just […]

Day 3 in Faribault

Laying out all of the glass for the back row on the table, Zevi had a the brainstorm that we could just dimension where all the holes go right then as well, and put all the fasteners into the ceiling at once. Technique worked pretty well. This will be a really great place from which […]

The 2nd Day

Here are some of the parts and pieces that we’re working with Looking at just about 1/4 of the overall composition, here is a glimpse at what the art will look like with and without the lights on: We made reasonable progress this day and got a bit less than 1/2 of the overall scope […]